



現在、カターディンには幾つかのトレイル(ルート)があるが、ソローのルートと一番近いのは、Abol Trailのようである。ソローの時代にはトレイルなどなかったので、今、ソローと完全に同じルートを辿ることはできない。地図で見る限り、このAbol Trailは、南側の山麓から一気に稜線を目指して登って行く険しいルートのようだ。今回私が入園券を確保できたのは、このトレイルより少し西側のKatahdin Streamから登って行くルートと、ソローの時代には、おそらく誰も歩いてはいなかった北側のChimney Pondからのルートだ。しかしChimney Pondから南峰を経てバクスター・ピークを目指すと、ソローが到達した地点を経由することになる。

Distance to Baxter Peak from Katahdin Stream campground via the Hunt trail
5.2 miles

Distance to Baxter Peak from Roaring Brook campground via the Helon N. Taylor trail and the Knife Edge
4.3 miles

Since many people climb Mount Katahdin, some might like to know the route that Thoreau took in relation to modern trails.  Thoreau approached the mountain from the south, roughly paralleling the modern Abol Trail and about two miles to the east.  Thoreau’s route began by following the Abol Stream.  He turned away from the stream and made his way up the mountain about one mile from the location of modern Abol Campsite, climbed just to the west (left) of what is now called “Abol Mountain” and continued his ascent just to the west (left) of what is now called “Rum Mountain”.   This brought him between South and Baxter Peaks.  He reached the tableland between these peaks to the east of the modern Appalachian trail.  (The information about his route is from Huber, P., The Wildest Country: A Guide to Thoreau’s Maine, Appalachian Mountain Club Publications, Boston (1981), pp. 141-142.)